Discharge Messages


Many patients are admitted in a state of depression and hopelessness about their state, even if that is masked sometimes with anger and resentment toward the staff and the hospital. There are many ways of assisting patients to regain hope, and get a sense of purpose about what their admission is for, for example expressing care and concern for them, attending too them, listening to their concerns. This intervention provides a further method to imbue hope and convey authoritative messages about the purpose and benefit of an admission.

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On the day of their discharge, each patient is to be asked if they would write a card for display on a special public notice board on the ward. The card should say what they liked about the ward, the staff and what went on in the ward during their stay. It should also include what would be their most positive and helpful piece of advice for new patients. The card should be selected from those available and include a picture of the patients' preference. The member of staff can write the message for the patient if that is easier, but the patient should be asked to write their first name at the end of their message, so that those remaining on the ward will know it is from them. The card should then be hung on the discharge messages tree or notice board. New patients can be shown these messages for reassurance and to increase feelings of hope.

You must download and read the full intervention description before starting the implement this intervention.

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pdfFull intervention description of Discharge Messages

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