

Firstly, our thanks to all those who have participated in the many research projects that have contributed to Safewards. Huge numbers of patients and staff have committed time to be interviewed, share their ideas and thinking. They have also filled out tens of thousands of questionnaires. These research participants are many more than just those who supported the research of the Safewards research programme. Also included are those who participated in all the research we reviewed and that contributed to the formulation of the Safewards Model. That would cover research conducted in many different nations and at times going back to the 1960s. Participating in research really can make a difference. Thank you.

Secondly, our thanks to all those who have worked on the Safewards programme in the past. There have been very many (if I have missed your name out by some oversight, please let me know): Teresa Allan, Jane Alexander, Mark Baldwin, Marié Botha, Geoff Brennan, Patrick Callaghan, Nicola Clark, Paola Coffey, Neil Crowhurst, Charlotte Dack, Jasbir Dhillon, Alex Duckworth, Sophie Eyres, Sarah Fife, Chris Flood, Chloe Foster, John Hodsoll, Karen James, Debra Jeffery, Manuela Jarrett, Siobhan Kelly, Husnara Khanom, Frank Kiyimba, Sophie Marsh-Picksley, Emma Massey, Linda McFarlane, Eimear Muir-Cochrane, Henk Nijman, Peter Nolan, Lindsay O'Neil, John O'Sullivan, John Owiti, Catherine Painter, Chris Papadopoulos, Alan Quirk, Maria Qureshi, Jamie Ross, Carl Ryan, Glorianne Said, Alan Simpson, Duncan Stewart, SUGAR, Christina Theodoridou, Maria Tziggili, Richard Whittington, Hilary Williams, Steve Wright, (in process of completion ....)

Thirdly, our thanks to the many funders of our research, including:

This is website is in part based on independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research programme (RP-PG-0707-10081) and supported by the NIHR Mental Health Research Network. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.